Friday, 25 January 2013

Dark Angels named HQ:s

Hello :)

So today I made my first ever review of a the Dark Angels named HQ:s. I was planning on making a series of videos that cover all the army entries.
I am well aware that it might not be the best since I haven't done one before so if you have any pointers on how I can improve it please say so :)



  1. Great video. I wish I could see a completed miniature while you talked about each one. :)

    That doesn't take anything away from the great job you have done on this first video.


    1. Thanks :)

      Well you saw Sammael ;) I actually have Belial as well now, but still in his box though :P

  2. Great vid ^^.

    Although a good tip and something i would really like to know as a fellow DA player myself is how you yourself would play/field the different charachters and what kind of armylist you would tailor to each different charachter =).
    Best of luck.

    1. Thanks :)

      I was thinking I'd go trough the codex and then make a final video where I'd make my own army and discuss why I took the units etc. Maybe even more than one army then :)

  3. since you play both DA and other armies it would be interesting to hear both sides, what you would watch out for if facing DA.
